Fire detection and alarm system | fire alarm system (FAS)

Strobe light sirens EX ATEX
Donat Czapski

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Fire detection and alarm system | fire alarm system (FAS)

We design and implement fire alarm systems as well as complete fire-fighting systems. The latter may comprise fixed fire-fighting systems, voice alarm systems, emergency and escape route lighting, ventilation and smoke removal systems, as well as gas detection systems. Within such comprehensive approach we assume full liability to deliver a cohesive fire-fighting system. At the same time, we guarantee integration of the existing structure with the newly implemented safety systems.

This website provides information on the work we have completed for classical, wired fire alarm systems. Our offer also includes wireless solutions or solutions dedicated to industrial uses.

What we will do for you

It is worth emphasising that apart from the classical fire alarm systems for offices, halls, warehouses, hotels or commercial centres we also design and implement systems dedicated to sacral, historic or industrial buildings. In each of the cases we involve our expertise and use various devices tailored to the specific requirements of a respective structure. For example, in churches we apply highly aesthetic wireless solutions, while in industrial plants we apply devices resistant to humidity, high dustiness, variable temperatures and background effects.

Below presented is the work we perform in the area of fire alarm systems. In that regard we provide comprehensive solutions, starting from preparing adequate documentation, through design development, and ending with implementation and integration of the fire detection and alarm system with the existing safety solutions.


The current regulations require that a fire safety plan and fire scenarios for the premises subject to fire hazard are prepared. They are basis for further works consisting in designing and implementing the fire alarm systems or complete fire-fighting systems. If no such documents have been prepared for the respective structures, we may start from preparing them..

  • Fire safety plan – the document is required for buildings and their parts representing separate fire zones, intended for performing public utility functions, boarding house, production building, warehouse, livestock building, where hazard explosion zone is present, or:
    • the gross cubic volume of the building or its part representing a separate fire zone exceeds 1,000 m3 (does not apply to livestock buildings),
    • the gross cubic volume of a livestock building exceeds 1,500 m3,
    • the fire zone area of a structure other than a building exceeds 1,000 m2.
  • Fire scenarios – a fire scenario is a description of the sequence of the possible events during a fire, representative for the respective place of its occurrence or area of impact, specifically for a fire zone or a smoke zone, considering mainly the way of operation of fire-fighting equipment, utility or engineering equipment, as well as their joint operation and interaction, and also organisational solutions needed for the proper operation of the designed safety measures..
  • ATEX documents – apart from the aforesaid documents, mainly in reference to industrial structure, our documentation department also prepares such documents as:
    Explosion Hazard Zones Setting
  • Explosion Hazard Assessment
  • Explosion Risk Assessment
  • Explosion Protection Document


We design fire alarm systems (FAS) in consideration of the working conditions, specific requirements of the given building and fire scenarios provisions. For example, systems for office or commercial centres must fulfil completely different requirements than those for historic or industrial buildings. In historic buildings aesthetics and minimum interference in structure are essential, whereas in a coal conveyor gallery, we deal with high dustiness, humidity and variable temperatures. Each of the structures is, therefore, characterised with different requirements and working conditions which need to be planned at the design stage.

Therefore, design work is preceded with an audit and interview, which indicate serious problems and assumptions for further work consisting in implementing an effective fire detection system.

Selected components applied in the designed fire detection systems:

  • Fire alarm panel
  • Emergency power supply equipment
  • Manual call points
  • Optical smoke detectors
  • Line heat detectors
  • IR flame detectors
  • Supervising module
  • Signal controllers
  • Status indicators
  • Strobe light sirens
  • Integrating and non-visualisation software


Fire alarm system (SAP) is only one of many important fire safety measures. It is important that all of the solutions operate flawlessly and automatically – the actuation of one system actuates the others. Only in such situation the fire-fighting system is effective. Therefore, within our works we guarantee integration of the fire alarm system with other safety and building automation systems (see the list below). We also create visualisation, which we combine with the building or industrial system layout plans. This enables implementation of the assumed fire scenarios and managing the whole safety system in an efficient and intuitive manner.

The systems we integrate:

  • wired and wireless systems of other manufacturers
  • access control system
  • voice alarm system
  • fire lockout system
  • fire dampers system
  • lift system
  • ventilation system
  • explosion protection system (industry)


With our installation group we are capable of performing tasks in a comprehensive manner, i.e. starting from preparing fire scenarios, through concept and design, and ending with delivery and installation of a smoke detection and ventilation system or a comprehensive fire-fighting system. In this way our customer may rely on a partner responsible for all of the implementation stages. Such solution may significantly facilitate the investment process, providing a guarantee that the final effect complies not only with the legal requirements but also the customer’s individual expectations.

Structures for which we provide fire alarm systems (FAS)

Classical fire alarm systems are used to protect new and existing enclosed structures, in which cables may be freely led. Our offer also includes wireless solutions or solutions dedicated to industrial uses. Our solution may be a hybrid of a wired and wireless systems, also including line detectors.

smoke removal and ventilation systems


Industry requires dedicated fire alarm systems resistant to interference and fit for the respective working conditions. The applied solutions must flawlessly operate in high-dustiness environment, variable temperatures and humidity. They must frequently be fit for operation in explosion hazard zones.

At industrial plants gas or smoke may be present, as a result of normal operation of systems and equipment. A fire alarm system must be designed such as to be resistant to their influence, as otherwise it is going to generate false alarms.

It is important that we possess experience and technology to protect:

  • industrial structures and systems, generally understood
  • structures with hazard explosion zones
  • conveyor belts
  • coal conveyor galleries
  • storage yards
  • silos/bunkers/dispensers
smoke removal and ventilation systems for hospitals


As regards sacral and historic buildings an important element to select a fire-fighting system is the necessity of ensuring high aesthetics and not to affect the integrity of the interior. Frequently, the design is assessed by a Heritage Conservation Officer. For such structures we propose wireless solutions or a combination of a wireless and classical wired system. Additionally, the fire alarm system elements may imitate marble, wood or be painted to any RAL colour.

smoke removal and ventilation-systems for office buildings


Office buildings are frequently characterised with large space divided to many storeys. Apart from office rooms or open space floors such buildings may house a number of premises of different nature (restaurant kitchens, server rooms, cold stores, emergency power rooms, conference halls, shops, warehouses etc.). A good designed fire alarm system must cover for the specifics and be integrated with the automation and access control systems operating in the building.

smoke removal and ventilation systems for commercial centres


Commercial centres are characterised with large space frequently located on several storeys. Underground, garages are often located, and within the commercial space, shops and warehouses full of products which may fuel the fire, as well as cinemas, gyms, server rooms and kitchens using open fire. A properly designed fire alarm system must cover for the specifics of the respective rooms and cooperate with the other safety systems.

smoke removal and ventilation systems for airports


Airline transport has recorded an extremely fast growth within the last 20 years. Today’s airports service several thousand to several million passengers a year. This means that everyday thousands of people are staying inside. Our task is to design and implement a fire alarm system or a comprehensive fire-fighting system, such as to ensure the highest safety level.

smoke removal and ventilation systems for hotels


Hotels are special buildings where fire may originate in many different spaces. This may include kitchens using open fire, guest rooms where a short-circuit may occur or fire may be started by guests, reception and concert halls where pyrotechnics are frequently used, as well as saunas and underground garages. All this requires a fire alarm system or a complete fire-fighting system adjusted to each of the spaces, in consideration of the working conditions.

smoke removal and ventilation systems for hospitals


Hospitals are complex structures as regards topography and frequently consist of separate buildings located on a large area. Their operation must be stable, and a series of procedures must not be abandoned even in case of fire. On the other hand, the hospitalised persons often suffer of limited movement capacity, which significantly affects the time and method of evacuation. All this means that a fire alarm system, or a comprehensive fire-fighting system must ensure the highest safety level, which will prevent fire development due to fast reaction and/or will ensure the longest possible time for evacuation.

fire alarm systems for tunnels


As regards tunnels, it is important not only to detect a fire early but also to precisely locate it. In such circumstances a fire alarm system furnished with line temperature detector is effective. The detector is a type of a cable which is capable to detect temperature growth and also accurately indicate the place thereof. The information significantly shortens the time of rescue team arrival. In justified cases the line temperature detector is supported with other detectors which additionally increase the system efficiency.

Selected components of fire detection and alarm systems

Below presented are the major components we use in most of the fire alarm systems (FAS). We approach each task individually, selecting solutions to ensure the highest safety level at optimal costs. On case by case basis we analyse the topography of the structure, the specifics of the respective rooms, and as regards industrial plants also the specifics of the respective system.


We are experienced in designing and implementing fire alarm systems based on components by major Polish and international manufacturers. In that regard, we are able to advise the best solution which fulfils the investor’s requirements. If a specific solution is preferred, the selection of components suggested by the customer may be applied providing that that does not affect the safety level.


Within our work we integrate fire alarm systems (FAS) with the existing safety and automation systems in a building. Our solutions are compatible with a majority of systems available on the market. They may cooperate both with wired and wireless systems. Alternatively, we provide comprehensive fire-fighting systems, covering for fire detection, alarm and extinguishing.


As regards fire alarm systems intended for industrial plants where explosion hazard zones are present, the components working in such zones possess ATEX certificates.

Additionally, we are capable of integrating the fire-fighting system with an explosion protection system, which guarantees streamlined and safe operation of both systems.

Control panel

Fire alarm control panels of various level of complexity. Designed in consideration of the highest safety standards and simplicity at each stage of implementation, starting from assembly, commissioning and daily use. The control panels may be integrated with external systems, e.g. through ESPA 4.4.4, NMEA-0183, MODBUS protocols. The control panels have menus in Polish. The piece of equipment has a self-test mode, which is started automatically every day.

Smoke detector

It is a standard addressable detector applied in a majority of fire alarm systems. The detector may be adjusted with regard to sensitivity, while the embedded temperature-sensitive resistor enables temperature reading in the point of measurement. The device has been designed in accordance with standards for smoke detectors using light beams and short-circuit isolators in fire alarm systems (EN 54-7 and EN 54-17). The principle of the device operation is based on optical engineering.

Heat detector

Heat detectors are used mainly in rooms where traditional smoke detectors will not work. Such situation may be present at premises where smoke is a normal phenomenon. Heat detectors may react when the ambient temperature grows to a specific level or when a fast growth of temperature is detected within a specific period of time.

Multi-sensor detector

A multi-sensor, addressable detector connects the functions of a smoke detector and a temperature detector. The device operates in an active manner, which means that a growth of temperature results in increasing the sensitivity of the smoke detector. This solution ensures fast reaction of the fire alarm system independently. The device has been designed in accordance with standards for smoke detectors using light beams and short-circuit isolators in fire alarm systems (EN 54-7 and EN 54-17). The principle of the device operation is based on optical engineering.

Wireless fire detector

Wireless fire detectors are available in three versions operating based on a heat sensor, optical sensor or an optical-and-heat sensor, which combines the features of the former two. All of the sensors are fully addressable and compatible with all of the expanders (signal intensifiers) and translators by Argus. The applied algorithms ensure optimal operation of the detectors by eliminating false alarms. Thanks to very low energy consumption, the device may operate up to 8 years on one set of batteries.

Aspirating smoke detector

Aspirating smoke detectors are intended for spaces where early fire detection and alarm are of particular importance. In such detectors air is aspirated from the monitored area through a system of tubes, and further analysed by the central unit. The sensors of the detector discover even the smallest quantity of smoke, which additionally shortens the fire alarm system reaction time. Such detectors are usually installed in laboratories, large and open spaces, archives or historic buildings.

Line smoke detector

Line smoke detector may replace several or several dozens of traditional smoke detectors. The solution is particularly useful in large-space structures or when the installation of a large number of traditional detectors is difficult (e.g. very high ceiling). Basic elements of the detector are a transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter emits a narrow band infrared light, which is directed towards the receiver. At the moment smoke particles get into the path of the beam, the alarm is triggered.

Line temperature detector

Line temperature detector is a special active cable with embedded sensors. The solution is intended to be applied in hardly accessible spaces or when temperature measurement is required along long sections reaching from several dozens to several thousands meters. The line temperature sensor precisely indicates the source of fire or overheating of the monitored equipment or cable route. The system does not require calibration but still works with very high accuracy (± 0.1°C). It is the first in Poland line temperature detector compliant with the Polish Standard PN-EN 54-22 (line-type heat detectors as elements of fire alarm systems). It is important that the system may be used in hazard explosion zones.

Voice alarm systems (VAS)

Voice alarm systems may be used both in closed spaces and in open space. The devices have been designed such that the emitted sound is loud, clear and audible from great distances. The system is supplied with such accessories as microphones or audio frequency amplifier. Voice alarm systems serve to transfer messages during a fire, which facilitates the evacuation of people. At the moment there is no hazard, the system may be used as a traditional loudspeaking system.

Wireless alarm sounder/ audible and visual alarm system

Fire is signalled through wireless alarm sounders or audible and visual alarm systems. The devices comply with the standard requirements for fire alarm systems and visual alarms in fire-fighting systems. The device is resistant to weather conditions. It has 32 sounds and a mute mode, in which it will only operate as a visual alarm. Thanks to the incorporated microphone it is capable of detecting proper operation when the alarm is sounded and return an error information to the system. The device installation is very fast and simple, and the use of the same generates very low costs.

Manual call points

Addressable manual call points are supplied in standards adequate to the working conditions. They are important elements of fire alarm systems (FAS), therefore, the solutions we propose guarantee fast reaction in a time shorter than 3 seconds. The devices have a self-test mode, which is started automatically every day. They are designed and manufactured in accordance with the EN 54-11 standard applicable to manual call points in fire-fighting systems.

Fire protection systems – offer

Fire protection systems – offer


They are an automatic fire extinguishing system that detects the onset of a fire, sends information to the control system, and automatically starts the selective water extinguishing process – only where there is a fire.

Fire protection systems – offer


They are equipped with open fire sprinklers and can be divided into several extinguishing zones. When a fire is detected, the appropriate valves for a given area are opened. Water is released throughout the protected area.

Fire protection systems – offer


We use them especially for high fire risk facilities, such as: fuel tanks, solvents, and other flammable liquids; warehouses of plastics; flammable products and/or those creating explosive atmospheres.

Strobe light sirens EX ATEX

Fire detection
and signaling

We design and implement complete fire detection and signaling systems. Depending on the needs, we use one of the four available systems or a hybrid of two or three of them, optimizing the investment in terms of technical and cost aspects.

Fire protection systems – offer

Spark detection
and extinguishing

These systems are designed for installation on industrial installation channels. Their task is to prevent a potential ignition source in the form of a spark, cigarette butt, or heated particle from reaching the device.

Secure your industrial plant

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DONAT CZAPSKI - I am at your disposal

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