The 3rd International INDEX Conference on industrial explosion and process safety, will be held on 19-20 November in Cracow. Bartosz Wolff, the Group’s President, has commented the event: The Conference has been earning its reputation for six years now (it is organised in a two-yearly cycle). The concept of the Conference, with the focus on knowledge and comfort of the participants, is obviously appreciated by the latter.
An indispensable element of the INDEX Conference is explosion demonstrations, where we present products widely used in the industry. In the second part, we will demonstrate the effectiveness of various types of anti-explosion protections. This will enable the participants to compare explosion with anti-explosion protections applied and those without any protection. The demonstration will be held at the nearby military training ground so all safety standards will be preserved – added the President.
This year, the organisers expect that the Conference will be attended by ca. 200 participants representing all major industries, organisations, state agencies, and insurance companies. You can enrol for the conference at