Water mist suppression systems

Donat Czapski

Donat Czapski – I am at your disposal

+48 695 244 220



Industrial mist extinguishing systems

Water mist suppression systems are known for their effectiveness for large surfaces and safety for sensitive equipment. However, mist extinguishing systems for industrial plants must be installed in accordance with the guidelines of VdS, PN-EN, NFPA, or FM GLOBAL, depending on the requirements of your insurer.

We have designed and installed industrial safety installations for various industries (food, wood, energy and waste processing) for a number of years.

Sprinkler systems

Deluge systems

Foam systems

Hydrant installations, pumping stations, water tanks

Fire detection and alarm systems

Spark detection and extinguishing systems

We specialize in installing water mist systems in running plants. That is why we can set up water mist fire suppression systems  without, or with minimal downtime for production lines.


  • power engineering
  • wood industry
  • food industry
  • waste processing
  • chemical & petrochemical industry
  • other


  • PN-EN
  • VdS
  • FM Global
  • NFPA


We know the challenges of industrial plants inside-out!
We will match industry-specific components to your working environment
We completed hundreds of industrial projects, including in the corrosive C5M/C5-I environment!

We can meet your insurer’s requirements together!

IIt is the insurance audits and their follow-up requirements for manufacturing companies that often bring clients to us. Regardless of the requirements set by your insurer, we can meet them all.

Low-pressure water mist extinguishing system
is best suited to protect:

Belt feeders for coal and biomass

Machines and production lines

Lightweight production halls

High-risk production facilities

Transformers and oil tanks

Any limited industrial space

Industrial plant vs shopping mall: what’s the difference in fire protection?

Installing a fire protection system (including mist installations) in an industrial facility is quite unlike setting up one in a commercial or office facility. For details, see below:

Risk of disruption to the facility's operation during assemblyNone, or minimal.
Mist systems are most often installed at the construction of the facility, or outside normal operating hours.
Large or high.
Assembly is most often carried out during normal operation of the facility Therefore, practical experience in plants is important to minimize this risk.
Access to scaffolding, trolleys and liftsFree.
Most often the space is free of clutter, and scaffolding, trolleys and lifts can be used without any problems.
Significantly restricted.
Tightly packed production halls offer limited access to mist system installation points.
Risk of collision of the constructed water mist extinguishing system with the infrastructure of the production hallZero or minimal.
The space is still undeveloped, the assembly team has much freedom of movement.
The existing devices and auxiliary installations, often high-rise, hinder assembly works.
Occupational health and safety regimeThe work is carried out in the standard OHS regime.The work is subject to a high health and safety regime, which requires arrangements and clearance for work.


Fire protection systems of our clients

AW-OZ: new approach to explosion risk assessment

Andrzej Wolff, Ph.D., has developed AW-OZ, a novel method for assessing the hazards of typical industrial equipment and installations used in the processing of bulk materials. The AW-OZ approach is based on the design, operating conditions of the equipment and the presence of combustible and explosive dust. In the realm of industrial safety, the limitations of the current explosion risk assessment methodologies, mandated by the ATEX Directive have become increasingly apparent. Recognizing these shortcomings, Dr. Andrzej Wolff proposes a groundbreaking methodology that shifts the focus from probability-based assessments to a more objective analysis grounded in process data. What are the nuances of this new methodology and what is its potential to revolutionize explosion risk management? Limitations of the now recommended explosion risk assessment: the legal status The need to assess the risk of explosion in production conditions threatened by the presence of flammable and explosive gases, dusts, mists, vapors of flammable liquids and fibers results from the provisions of the ATEX Users Directive (99/92/EC). According to the Directive, explosion risk assessment related to explosive atmosphere in workplaces should take into account the following: probability and duration of an explosive atmosphere, likelihood of both occurrence and activation of ignition sources, including electrostatic discharges, installations operated by the employer, substances and mixtures used production processes involved, and their interactions the magnitude of the anticipated consequences of an explosion In practice, the explosion risk assessment techniques used mainly emphasize the evaluation of the probability of an explosive atmosphere, the probability of occurrence and activation [...]

Lighter, safer, faster fire protection: fireproofing a biomass conveyor with a water mist extinguisher

Project challenges The switch from coal fuel to a mixture of coal with more ignitable and explosive biomass increased the risks of fire and explosion in the power The investor had to decide between two effective fire protection techniques to select the most suitable option for their conveyor belt. The decisive factors were: the weight of the system and the time needed for installation. The solution: To reduce the risk of structural overload on the conveyors, a mist fire extinguisher was selected over a traditional sprinkler system. Unlike the nozzle system, the mist fire extinguishing system did not require a building permit. The mist system's lower water usage not only prevented potential water damage and reduced the risk of flooding, but also allowed for quicker resumption of operations post-incident. The design and installation of a fire protection system for belt conveyors was part of a large modernization project we completed for two power plants in Poland. The need to improve fire and explosion safety in these facilities resulted from changing the fuel from coal to a mixture of coal with biomass, much more easily ignitable and explosive. Apparently, the investor wanted to avoid disasters such as those that affected other plants in Poland in the past, and the Ridderskaya Test plant in Ridder, East Kazakhstan, in 2023. However, before we were commissioned, our experts took part in a number of consultations. They were requested to recommend optimal safety systems, including extinguishing techniques for conveyor belts. The investor, a large European [...]

Over-sensitive fire detection and alarm system: how to solve the problem and… save as much as 40% of costs?

Want to optimize a fire system? Instead of blindly following the norms, run expert field tests. A polyurethane foam manufacturer invested EUR 2,500 in tests. Their savings reached several times that amount compared to the total project estimate! (Yet another) manufacturing plant came to us with a problem of false activation of a fire suppression system. Unfortunately, such incidents are quite common in industry. They cause dozens of thousands of euro-worth losses every year (cost of cleaning, lost product, etc.). In plants where such situations occur even several times a year, costs can easily reach several hundred thousand euro. No wonder, then, that the idea of turning off a "hypersensitive" system for the sake of savings seems all too tempting. However, what about the fire hazard? In case of a real fire emergency not only do you risk serious losses, but your insurer can refuse compensation. So is there anything you can do to make the system respond only in the event of actual threat? It takes two types of detectors to properly detect fire This time, the problem of an oversensitive fire detection system involved a polyurethane foam plant. The “culprit" was a system based on aspirating smoke detectors (ASD). This type of sensor samples air in various inaccessible places without depending for detection on the convective movement of smoke. These detectors are known for their effectiveness where the highest sensitivity of detection is a must. They detect fire hazard in fraction of a second. This makes them extra [...]

Structure and operation of a water mist system

How does mist extinguishing system work?

Water mist system is fixed fire extinguishing equipment. It sprays mist, i.e. a huge amount of tiny water droplets (50 – 450 micrometers), under a specified pressure. Water mist allows for faster heat exchange than in the case of regular water installations. The exchange rate depends on the surface area, the temperature difference between the droplets and the surroundings, and the heat transfer coefficient. The latter is determined taking into account the material parameters, as well as the diameter and speed of water droplets.

    • Water droplets that create extinguishing water mist are 50-450 μm in diameter

    • The extinguishing effectiveness of a water mist system is estimated at 10 times greater than that of a sprinkler or deluge system

Water mist system: well-proven components

When designing and installing water mist systems, we only use quality solutions certified by an accredited laboratory. The certification must come with a positive full-scale fire extinguishing test. We need to make sure that the water mist system uses much less water than the sprinkler  and deluge installation will be able to easily suppress a fire in your plant. In the case of non-standard facilities, or when a water mist system is used, we can perform additional tests to confirm the effectiveness of the fire system, for absolute certainty.

Water mist system: how to select nozzle components?

The water mist system allows for the use of both nozzles with a thermosensitive element (as in sprinkler installations), as well as of open nozzles (as in deluge systems).

In the case of a closed system, the nozzle can also be permanently filled with water, as in sprinkler systems. It can also be dry, i.e. filled with pressurized air, the outlet of which activates the water supply. Therefore, the selection of appropriate components of the mist installation (e.g. the type of valves, pumps used, or the need for a detection system) is directly related to the type of nozzles selected to protect a specific area or room.

  • Mist system uses 50-90% less water
  • Benefits: lower requirements for a water tank, lower risk of property losses due to flooding, etc.

Mist extinguishing system: what convinced the investor?

Fireproofing a biomass conveyor with a water mist system

  • what convinced the investor to choose a water mist system over others?
  • why not simply a sprinkler installation?
  • what calculations were made during the consultation?
  • what impacted the scheduled implementation time?

Cooling or extinguishing with water mist?

Mist extinguishing systems can be designed and installed not only to put out a fire, but also (or solely) to perform other protective functions. What are the differences in foam installations for extinguishing and for cooling?


Research shows that in large volumes, water mist with larger droplets is more effective than that with smaller droplets.

Oxygen displacement is less important when the goal is to extinguish a fire than when cooling fuel or misting the surroundings.


Cooling requires slightly larger droplets so that when they come into contact with the object they cannot evaporate too early.

If mist is used to cool the environment, the droplets should be smaller. It is best to choose nozzles that provide an appropriate mix of droplets, e.g. 150-300 micrometers.

Hassle-free assembling of the mist system

 We understand that production processes such as manufacturing, packaging, or storage are key to production profit. That is why we assemble mist systems in such a way as to minimize disruption to the production process.

Based on experience, we anticipate potential challenges already in the design phase, and solve them. We know how to cooperate effectively with production managers to coordinate the assembly process. Our installation operations are scheduled only for specific days and times. We adapt to planned production downtime or periods of reduced work intensity. When necessary, we work at night. We always adapt our work methods to the character of the production plant.


zabezpieczenia przeciwpożarowe na czynnych zakładach przemysłowych

We eliminate production downtime, or bring it down to a minimum

We coordinate assembly with the production schedule

We organize the necessary equipment, e.g. aerial lifts/scaffolding/climbers

We adhere to all internal procedures of the plant

If necessary, we also work at night and on weekends

We only move and work within clearance zones

Before assembly, we secure machines and devices

After installation, we clean up and make sure regular production is quickly restored

Ensuring property safety

At every stage of our operations, the safety of your assets in halls, warehouses and other production spaces, is crucial for us. We are aware that any damage we cause can have repercussions for the continuity of production and take caution to prevent such situations.


We agree on the scope of work with the investor

We familiarize ourselves with the safety guidelines

We secure the workplace

We cover machines and devices


We move about with utmost caution

We secure property from damage

We clean the site thoroughly afterwards

We enable production to be restored immediately

  • developing the concept and necessary blueprints
  • selecting and delivering key installation elements
  • developing and implementing a control system
  • visualizing the water mist system
  • integration of the system with existing security systems

Poza systemami mgły wodnej, projektujemy i wdrażamy kompletne, zintegrowane ze sobą systemy przeciwpożarowe – poniżej znajdziesz ich pełną listę. Co ważne, w zależności od Twoich potrzeb nasze działania mogą obejmować wszystkie lub tylko wybrane z wymienionych punktów. W razie potrzeby dostarczane systemy integrujemy z istniejącymi już rozwiązaniami.

  1. System sygnalizacji pożaru (SAP, SSP) – przewodowy i bezprzewodowy
  2. System detekcji pożaru
  3. Systemy wentylacji i oddymiania
  4. System monitoringu CCTV
  5. Systemy sygnalizacji włamania i napadu (SSWiN)
  6.  Dźwiękowy system ostrzegawczy DSO
  7. Systemy kontroli dostępu i rejestracji czasu pracy
  8. Oświetlenie awaryjne i ewakuacyjne
  9. Stałe urządzenia gaśnicze

System gaszenia mgłą wodną jest szczególnym rodzajem zastosowania wody, jako środka gaśniczego. W związku z tym, że podczas gaszenia mgłą wodną mamy do czynienia z bardzo drobnymi kropelkami wody, zjawiska fizyczne występujące podczas procesu gaszenia nieco różnią się od tych, które możemy zaobserwować w trakcie gaszenia wodą w systemach klasycznych.

Najlepszy efekt gaśniczy można uzyskać przez indywidualny dobór wielkości kropelek do celu aplikacji, typu pożaru i przestrzeni objętej pożarem. Pozwala to niejako sterować zjawiskami fizycznymi, które chcemy osiągnąć podczas zagrożenia pożarowego. I tak przykładowo mgła może nie docierać bezpośrednio do płomieni lub palącego się materiału, gdyż może parować już w momencie zbliżania się do źródła ognia.

W związku z powyższym:

  • mgła wodna szybciej niż w przypadku wody zaczyna wypierać tlen z bezpośredniego sąsiedztwa płomieni, ponieważ zdecydowanie szybciej ulegnie parowaniu (dotyczy zamkniętych pomieszczeń lub działania w dużej strefie gaśniczej).
  • skoro mgła wodna szybciej paruje, to przejmuje znacznie efektywniej ciepło od palącego się materiału, niż w przypadku zastosowania klasycznych instalacji wodnych (tryskacze/zraszacze). Obniża temperaturę, otoczenia, płomieni i paliwa, co powoduje zmniejszenie ilości energii cieplnej, przyczyniającej się do rozwoju procesu pyrolizy i utlenienia paliwa. Można więc powiedzieć, że mgła wodna oddziałuje najmocniej na energię w trójkącie spalania
  • mgła w określonych warunkach ma również możliwość oddziaływania na stężenie tlenu
  • przy zastosowaniu większych kropelek oddziałuje też na ramię paliwa w trójkącie spalania, wytwarzając warstwę wody podobnie jak tryskacze. Oddziałując na więcej niż jedno ramię trójkąta, można wykorzystać mniej środka gaśniczego do osiągnięcia efektu.

Systemy gaszenia mgłą wodną mogą osiągać wymagane ciśnienie rozpylania przez zasilanie ze zwykłych zbiorników z wodą ppoż. i dobranych odpowiednio pomp, lub także przy użyciu jednego lub wielu zbiorników wypełnionych wodą pod ciśnieniem.

Pompy to praktyczne rozwiązanie, zapewniające stałe, wysokie ciśnienie mgły wodnej w trakcie akcji gaśniczej. W przypadku mniejszych powierzchni, a tym samym mniejszego zapotrzebowania na wodę, można rozważyć rezygnację z budowy pompowni na rzecz zbiorników wypełnionych wodą pod ciśnieniem. Koszty takiej inwestycji z dużym prawdopodobieństwem będą niższe, jednakże należy wziąć pod uwagę, że takie źródło wody dedykowane jest najczęściej do jednej strefy gaśniczej. Więcej stref gaśniczych w jednym obiekcie może spowodować, ze efekt ekonomiczny przesunie się w stronę systemu pompowego.

Technologię mgły wodnej stosuje się w takich gałęziach przemysłu jak energetyka zawodowa (elektrownie i elektrociepłownie) włącznie ze stacjami transformatorowymi, oraz m.in. w przemyśle petrochemicznym. Oprócz konkretnych branż są to także systemy gaśnicze, które można szerzej zastosować w ochronie tuneli kablowych, sterowni, linii produkcyjnych, magazynów, czy maszynowni.

  • W sytuacjach, kiedy skuteczność systemu mgły wodnej nie jest wystarczająco udowodniona – np. testy skuteczności działania dysz w akredytowanym laboratorium nie wyjdą pozytywnie
  • W sytuacjach, kiedy tańsze i równie skuteczne są inne rozwiązania, a głównym kryterium zakupu jest cena, a nie np. konieczność zużycia do gaszenia jak najmniejszej ilości wody, przez obawę przed zniszczeniem parku maszynowego, długim przestojem produkcji po gaszeniu zwykłą wodą itp.

Do you have any questions?

Donat Czapski Grupa WOLFF zdjecie
DONAT CZAPSKI - I am at your disposal

We will answer questions about: offer, technical specification, delivery, assembly.

or send your inquiry